Thursday, October 8, 2015

Homemade Egg Noodles & Lazy Lady Chicken Soup

I know, I know. This is going to sound like a bit of a contradiction, but stay with me here. OK?

This is a recipe for very very very easy homemade noodles. With a very easy soup. That looks very hard. And fancy. What we're all about right folks?

I even lays it up and easy recipe I found because, well, I'm even too lazy to separate a egg yolks from whites. 

2 whole eggs whisked with a fork

6 Tablespoons of cold water 

1 or 2 teaspoons of (I forget the exact measurement, you'll be fine either way)

Mix with fork, in that order then add 2 cups of flour. Mix it with Mr. Forkie fork again. Separate the dough into three balls. You might have to move shit around with your hand for a little while so that it all comes together. 

I used two of my three balls for my chicken soup recipe. Ball number three: maybe it will turn it into a buttered noodles dish for dinner tomorrow night? Right now, not important. 

Roll out your go, and then cut it with a pizza cutter into noodles. Place the noodles on the floured cookie sheet so that they don't stick, and have a little time to dry out while you make your soup. 

Hella Easy Chicken Soup

First off, I would like to think Costco for all its enduring chicken support. Without your help I might've actually had to cook chicken from scratch on my own, you saved me!

Pick up your Costco chicken from the refrigerator where you put it last night. Scrape up all that wierd jelly goop into your pot. Seriously, don't laugh, this is the stuff our grandmothers fed armies with. 

Chicken jelly goop in the pot, then add an onion and four cloves of garlic. If you're cooking for my boyfriend who is ill, add a dash or three of chili flakes. Add some salt from the plate were you made salted rim's for margaritas the night before (waste not want not). 

Once they all feel friendly, add three chopped up ribs of celery and at least that many carrots, I prefer more carrots and celery, personal choice though, I know. Add a bay leaf, a little sprig of rosemary from your garden, a few sprigs of thyme or whatever green things you happen to have growing. 

Then dump in one can of low-sodium chicken broth. If you're anything like me even though it says low-sodium it's too salty. Or that might have been due to my earlier margarita salt. Either way, balance it out with enough water to make it palatable. Bring to a boil.

Add a bunch of chunks of chicken from our delightfully pre-roasted bird. I added both wings one drumstick and a bit'o' breast meat for variety. 

Cook it till it's all warm and smells delicious. At this point sick boyfriend might start anticipating deliciousness. Five minutes before you're ready to eat gently put your noodles into the pot. Once they're there for 5 to 7 minutes, you are good to go.

Nothing, nothing impresses me more than homemade noodles. Sadly this is even true when I make them. 

Cheers to a balanced life, balanced soup, and balancing pre-made cheats with homemade egg noodles of awesomeness. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015


I need ikea now. 

Glass pitchers, lighting fixtures, rugs, tiny unfinished wooden dressers to DIY, *sweedish meatball sauce mix packet for god's sake*. 

Damn this Hawaii life. 

Sunday, March 22, 2015


Dear LaCroix,

I love you. You are carbonated classy ass 



And your jaunty package can be found on the most humble of tarjee shelves. Merci mon ami, merci. 

Plus you fucking school a bitch when she clicks on:



Friday, October 17, 2014

Bisquick Water Biscuits


I've moved to Hawaii. Which has tons and tons of great food things. Among them, however, I've been hard pressed to find a biscuit. 

When I went home, it was the first thing I ate breakfast.

But alas, I am no longer at home, and am thusly thrust into the land of ono food sans southern tradition. 

Solution: make biscuits myself!

Lazy wife solution: bisquick!

And, not to put too fine a lazy point on it, mine don't even call for milk or measuring. 

Let's be real folks: Bisquick does most of the hard work for us. Their biscuit recipe calls for box mix and milk. Problem is in the vaguely lactose intolerant and infrequent grocery shopping household milk is a rare commodity and with a hurricane a-comin I'm not taking my butt to the grocery store. 

So I figured I'd use what I got. The water on top of my Greek yogurt? That's kinda buttermilk-ish right? Club soda? Sure - probably better than plain ol water. 

Results: delicious.

No Milk Bisquick Biscuits
A nub of butter 
A glop of Greek yogurt + water from surface
2 gulgs of club soda (or seltzer or online I even saw 7up)

Put a pan of any moderate size in the oven with the nub of butter till melted. 

In a big bowl (yes, sorry - gotta dirty up another bowl) glop in the yogurt and yogurt water. Pour over dry bisquick mix. Stir. Add glug of soda. Mix more. I looks dry add another glug. 

Dump into pan with melted butter. Score with a scraper or knife. Bake at 400ish. Wait 10 minutes. 

Consume with eggs and jam - bacon if you got it. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Healthy Shit Oven Hash

Down to the wire and using what I have before it spoils tomorrow: I present you healthy shit oven hash. 

On a baking pan put diced potatoes (mine were frozen potato o'brien mix #laaaazy), add a meat (mine was kielbasa that had been opened but not used up all week), and onion (mine was the quarter I left on the counter for god knows how long). 

Bake that all together. 

When potatoes are done I added a bunch of baby greens that were about to turn and green onion. Return that to the oven till they're wilted or crispy (depending on how you like). 


I added salt, pepper, and mustard to my serving. I made other teachers jealous with my leftovers. Boom.